Thursday, April 30, 2009

Long time no blog.....

I apologize for not blogging for the past couple weeks. I have been up to many things and have gotton side tracked. I'm not to sure really of what to talk about today in my blog. Well yesterday I began to look into golf carts. I really want one. I have no clue why they just look cool to have. I think it would be way more fun then a car. Some of them are as much as a car and I'm kinda starting to rethink the whole golf cart thing. I would rather have a car. I will just wait till im older and i have a huge house and it would be nessesary to have one. I must say that a golf cart is a pretty cool idea though. Fun thought. School has been pretty boring but today seemed more interesting to me. We are doing a program called Every 15 Minutes. You may ask well what is that. Every 15 Minutes a teen gets killed in a drunk driving collision. Seniors sign up to be ''killed'' and they put up a R.I.P sign and make it seem like its real. The parimedics go to your home and even tell your parents. You stay in a hotel and your face is painted black and you can't talk. Then the next day the parents come and talk and describe how it felt to here the words they heard. Pretty interesting stuff. Well that's all i have for today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Normal Tuesday.

Well today was a normal day for me. I woke up and got ready then left to the bus stop. School was not that fun today. Wasl has been going on this week so classes are only 60 minutes which i do enjoy. It makes the day go by so much faster. I really don't like having to sit in a class for 80 minutes. It's boring. And what makes it all worse is that we only have 4 classes. My classes are ok. Pretty normal. Nothing to exciting really happens at school. It's always just the samething. Walk to class sit down and be bored all class period. The one thing i cannot stand about school is homework. I hate having homework everyday. I mean you have to get up super early then sit in 80 minute classes then go home and do homework when i get home i just want to go to bed. But now i want to write in my blog then go to sleep. I have been waiting all day to write in my blog. I thought that a blog is just stupid and a waist of time but its actually really fun. You get to talk about yourself like all day and people actually really read it. I know that my day wasnt to interesting but i am hoping that i will have way more to talk about tomorrow.